Sunday, September 6, 2015

My Love

Love...the most powerful emotion that a human being could ever experience.  

Provoking a storm inside of me that quenches the thirst that had immensely overwhelmed my entire being.

Love....You gift me with sense of belonging and purpose, you make me whole.

Love, you've reminded me of what matters most...

You've made human again and yet you've made me immortal in every way.

You've taken me to the moon and back and declared infinite moments filled with the creation of a lifetime filled with a thousand mystical memories.

Stay my Love... Stay for Always...

From my heart to yours,

Chocolate Cake

Eating a piece of chocolate cake and I feel in heaven.  It’s been a long time since I have felt this whole… this complete.  And yet, it is not the cake or the beautiful weather or the sounds of a child’s laughter that are making me feel the utter and compete joy that I am feeling today but the acceptance of letting go of a past that had sucked me into the abyss.

It’s ironic how sometimes you find peace in the places you weren’t looking or in the people whom you wouldn’t expect to make you feel this way.

As uncommon as it has become to be able to trust in others because of all the selfishness and betrayal that exist in this world, it is imperative that we don’t forget that there are still people (many people) out there that are genuinely beautiful.  These are beings that are selfless and genuinely want the best for you. 

That’s all I have for today.  Just feeling utterly grateful and want to remind you and myself that there is a whole world out there waiting for us... a world filled with chocolate cake! ;)

From my heart to yours,