Monday, March 31, 2014

Are you living or existing?

“One day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching.”

Many of us go through our lives waiting for some grand miracle, saying things like, “when this happens then I can….”  What we fail to realize is that life is happening right now, TODAY.  In the meantime, as we are waiting for whatever it is that we are waiting for, we are losing precious moments in time.  Our lives are slipping by us and the crazy thing (for lack of a better word) is that we are allowing it!

 How long ago did you tell yourself you were going to lose weight, ask for that promotion, change jobs, buy a home, read a book?  Two months, two years, twenty years?  What has held you back?  Sometimes we are so afraid of the “what if’s” that we rather not try.  We forget or don’t realize that we are put on this earth for something great!

Now, what is that “great” thing that we were placed here for?  What is our purpose?  You’ve heard “What is the meaning of life”; you need to answer that to yourself.  Take time to stop your busy, loud life and listen to your inner voice.  What is it that has called you since you were a child?  What is it that you’ve always said, “if I could I would”. 

What we as human beings fail to realize is that we place our own restrictions.  We easily make excuses for ourselves and conveniently forget that we have a choice.  Everything that we do (or don’t do) is by choice.  Today you made a choice to wake up happy, sad, angry, annoyed… whatever mood you woke up with was YOUR choice.  Taking into account that things happen to us in life that make us go through a range of emotions that are not always popular or the best to have, we still have a choice.  We choose how we want to react to the current state our life is in.  Why not start with some simple steps:

Say all the things you love about yourself daily.
When you wake up, make it a habit to look at yourself in the mirror and repeat it out loud on a daily basis.  This is a reaffirmation of what we already know but sometimes won’t admit to ourselves.
When asked how you are doing, always say “great!” no matter how you think you are feeling.
This will ultimately become a habit and if you are wording it out loud your mind will   believe and thus make it easier to change your attitude from ok to great!

Smile More!
I’m talking about a real smile, don’t fake it and if you have to fake it, “fake it till you make it"! Actions speak louder than words, smiling will ultimately help you change your mood no matter what it is that you are feeling that day.
Take time for yourself to do something that you love!
It’s easy to get caught up in life.  This eventually piles up and you will become an unhappy person.  Don’t say you don’t know what you like to do; by saying that you are admitting something that is not true.  We all have something we are passionate about you just have to listen to your inner voice.

Get rid of the noise.
We live in an era where technology has given us more noise then we need.  With television, the internet, our smart phones, etc. we no longer take the time to go to a quiet place.  Find a time and place where you can think or not think.  During your drive to and from work, while taking a jog, in the shower, or through meditation.  Whatever calls you, use it to find a quiet and peaceful time for yourself.

You only get one life, so LIVE IT!